UA Online GameDev 2021 - цикл вебінарів та онлайн майстер-класів від доповідачів GameCraft конференцій, котрий допоможе вам отримати задоволення від розробки ігор протягом зими 2021.
Game programmers
Game designers
Business and marketing professionals
Producers and team/studio managers
Visual artists
Sound designers, engineers, and composers
Virtual and augmented reality creators
Career seekers and recruiters
Ross Chayka
LemBS, Founder
Olga Kulyk
Former Product Owner, Playtika Lecturer, BeQA Today
Lemberg Tech Business School: organization with a 10-year history of successful conferences: Lviv/Kyiv IT Outsourcing Forum, GameDev Conference, Lviv/Kharkiv/Kyiv PM Day та AI&BigData Day
Наші проекти
Vira Hryniv
Email: Phone: +38 (067) 310 15 05 Registration of participants Billing Contracts, work completion statements
Victoria Stakhiv
Project Coordinator
Email: Coordinate with the speakers